Authorities page KPB Düren

Authorities page KPB Düren
"NRW shows respect!"
With a vintage truck, the police in NRW invite you to a coffee and conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.
News from the
Police Düren
Always on site
The district service of the Düren police is divided into the areas of Düren, Jülich and Kreuzau. Here you will find the contact details of the district officer responsible for you.
We are here for you
The victim protection officers help both victims of crime and victims of traffic accidents or other harmful incidents.
Preventing crime
The Crime Prevention / Victim Protection Department is your direct point of contact when it comes to obtaining valuable advice on crime prevention.
Safe on the road
Information and current topics as well as seminar offers in the field of road safety work can be found here.
Country campaigns
of the NRW police
Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110