Polizeiauto bei einem Fahrssicherheitstraining
Road safety work
Information and current topics as well as seminar offers in the field of road safety work can be found here.

Whether it's early childhood road safety education for kindergarten children, boarding lessons for primary school children, basic rules of cycling, information for young drivers or seminars on pedelec riding: Our colleagues in traffic accident prevention are the first port of call when it comes to road safety education for children and schoolchildren, training and seminars on road safety or general questions about road safety.

Would you like to ride your pedelec as safely as possible on the road? Then attend one of our free training courses.
Die Verkehrsprävention der Kreispolizeibehörde Düren tourt mit ihren Theaterstücken zum Thema Verkehrssicherheit durch die KiTas und Grundschulen des Kreisgebiets.
Around the
Road safety
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110