Intrusion radar

Maskierter Einbrecher öffnet Terrassentür mit Handschuhen von außen.
Intrusion radar
Every Wednesday, an overview map of registered burglaries in the past week is published here, broken down into completed and attempted crimes.

Most people only become aware of the issue of burglary when they themselves or someone close to them has become a victim.
In the fight against burglary crime, it is of central importance that every citizen keeps their eyes open, reports suspicious observations to the police and secures their own home as far as possible.

The "home burglary radar" gives you the opportunity to find out about current developments in the district of Düren on a weekly basis.
Residential burglaries and their attempts are displayed in the overview map and are updated every Wednesday.
For reasons of data protection, we refrain from publishing the exact locations of the burglary locations, such as streets and house numbers.

From now on, the burglary locations will be symbolized by pins: red pins stand for completed burglaries, yellow pins indicate attempted burglaries.

The Düren district police authority wants to ensure transparency in this way.
If you know where a break-in took place, you may be able to think of a strange observation you made afterwards that could possibly be connected to one of the crimes.
Then don't hesitate to call the emergency number 110 and report your observations to the police. Because the following still applies: "Don't be afraid to call 110! Every tip counts!"

Information on how you can protect your home against burglars is available free of charge from our Crime Prevention and Victim Protection Department on 02421 949-8700.




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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110