
Cover picture of the traffic topic page
in the district of Düren
Information and current topics from and about the Transport Directorate.
Safe cycling in the Düren district
When stopping and parking on roads, so-called "dooring accidents" occur time and again. Such accidents can easily be avoided if all road users and road users are careful and considerate when driving.
Cycling is becoming more and more popular, and the number of bikes and e-bikes on the roads is also increasing here in the Düren district. But the number of road accidents is also on the rise. We provide information on accident figures, causes of accidents and tips for safe interaction in road traff...
Current information
  • The development of traffic accident figures in the past year.
    Am Samstag (20.05.2023) führten die Beamten und Beamtinnen der Verkehrsunfallprävention der Polizei Düren wieder die PoliTour Eifel durch. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine geführte Motorradausfahrt durch das gesamte Kreisgebiet.
    In unseren Videos möchten wir verschiedenen Zielgruppen wichtige Aspekte der Verkehrssicherheit erläutern.
Road safety work
Information and current topics as well as seminar offers in the field of road safety work can be found here.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110