Traffic accident trend 2023 in the district of Düren

Text: Verkehrsunfallstatistik 2023 Jahresbericht zur Verkehrsunfallentwicklung im Kreis Düren. Im Hintergrund in Blaulicht auf Auto bei Dunkelheit draußen
Traffic accident trend 2023 in the district of Düren
The development of traffic accident figures in the past year.

Total number of road accidents increased - fewer people killed in road accidents

The total number of accidents (6181/6401) and the number of casualties in 2023 (1219) increased noticeably compared to 2022 (1155). The trend that began at the start of the pandemic has therefore not continued. However, the number of casualties is still below the pre-coronavirus level.

As far as the consequences of accidents are concerned, the picture is more nuanced. The number of fatal road accidents fell from ten to seven. The number of serious injuries has increased significantly, while the number of minor injuries has risen slightly.


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