
Spurensicherung an einem Fensterrahmen
in the district of Düren
Information and current topics from the Crime Directorate in Düren.
Important information
  • The development of crime in the past year in the district of Düren - explained and accompanied by a statistical presentation.
    Every Wednesday, an overview map of registered burglaries in the past week is published here, broken down into completed and attempted crimes.
    Here you will find monthly updates on developments in selected crime areas.
Crime prevention
Whats App scams, fake police officers or fake stores - on this page you will find important information on current scams and crimes that are frequently reported to the police. Of course, you will also find out what you can do to protect yourself.
The Crime Prevention / Victim Protection Department is your direct point of contact when it comes to obtaining valuable advice on crime prevention.
Endlich ist es soweit - zum 01.08.2022 startete die Initiative „Kurve kriegen“ in der Kreispolizeibehörde Düren. Gemeinsam mit dem freien Träger der Jugendhilfe, der „Diakonie Michaelshoven“, geht ein vierköpfiges Fachkräfteteam an den Start. Nach langer Zeit der Vorbereitung ist nun der Wirkbetrieb...
Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110