Traffic accident development 2022 in the district of Düren
The development of traffic accident figures in the past year.

The following statements are at the forefront of the analysis at country level:

  • More deaths and serious injuries overall
  • More deaths and serious injuries in connection with Pedelec and bicycle - especially group +65 and +75
  • First e-scooter riders to die
  • Highest number of fatalities after banned motor vehicle races

The KPB Düren also has an increased number of fatalities. In terms of serious injuries, KPB Düren has not recorded any increase.
There has also been no increase in fatalities and serious injuries in connection with bicycles and pedelecs in Düren in recent years.
The senior age group is affected more frequently simply due to demographic trends. In the segment of accidents involving pedelecs, they are affected more frequently compared to cyclists in the respective age group. A considerable proportion of road accidents involving cyclists and pedelec riders are also single-vehicle accidents.
The KPB Düren is not affected by the phenomena of fatal accidents involving e-scooter users and fatal injuries following illegal motor vehicle races.

Overall accident situation

The decline in the total number of accidents in 2022 is encouraging. The trend that began at the start of the pandemic has clearly continued.
As far as the consequences of accidents are concerned, the picture is more differentiated. The number of fatal road accidents has risen from five to ten. The number of road accidents with serious injuries has fallen slightly, while those with minor injuries have also risen.
Speed is still the "number one killer" as the cause of accidents.

Accidents by age group

The accident analysis always takes into account the respective age groups:

  • - Children
  • - Teenagers
  • - Young adults
  • - Adults
  • - Senior citizens

Particular attention is being paid to vulnerable road users. The number of children involved in accidents has risen slightly, but is still well below the pre-pandemic level. Due to the demographic trend, another area of focus is the senior citizens age group. Despite an increasing proportion of the population, the number of senior citizens involved in accidents has fallen slightly.
The police are paying particular attention to the target groups of vulnerable road users, especially in the area of prevention, e.g. by

  • - Educational puppet shows in kindergartens and primary schools
  • - Bicycle education in the 4th grade
  • - "Drugs in road traffic" lectures at secondary schools
  • - "Crash course NRW" series of events for young adults
  • - Use of the distraction simulator at events
  • - Pedelec training for senior citizens in the municipalities
  • - Events 60+ for motor vehicle drivers

in particular

Accidents by type of participation

The proportion of road accidents involving two-wheeled vehicles (bicycles and pedelecs) is significant. Almost every third person involved in an accident in the Düren district was riding a bicycle or pedelec.

Around a third of road accidents were single-vehicle accidents, i.e. no other road user was involved in the accident. Regrettably, one cyclist was also killed in a road accident in the district of Düren.
Overall, the number of accidents involving cyclists and pedelec riders has increased. In addition to the numerically largest group of adults, the group of senior citizens is also affected.
In 130 cases, two-wheeled cyclists were injured by another person.
As two-wheeled driving is becoming increasingly popular, this topic is also a focus of road safety work.

Another focus is the topic of "Motorcycling in the Eifel". The number of accidents fell slightly during the pandemic but rose again to pre-pandemic levels in 2022. This is remarkable in that the total number of motorcyclists involved in accidents in the district has been declining overall for years.
Road accidents involving small electric vehicles are not currently a problem in the district of Düren. However, the development is being monitored as part of traffic situation reports.


Hit-and-run accidents

A hit-and-run is a particularly socially harmful behavior. The total number of hit-and-runs is on a par with the previous year.
The clearance rate of 55.4% for hit-and-runs is slightly below the national average (58.51%).

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110