The number 110 connects you to the police control center free of charge, whether from a landline or cell phone.
Please note that when you dial 110 on your cell phone, you will not automatically reach the local control center. Depending on your location and the network structure of your service provider, you may first reach the control center of a nearby police authority. Do not let this unsettle you. The control center staff are aware of this phenomenon, but they need your exact location so that they can immediately transmit your emergency to the control center in the district of Düren without delay.
Give the following information on the phone:
Who is calling?
Please state your name.
What has happened?
Briefly describe what you have observed.
Where did it happen?
Be as specific as possible about where something happened. If you don't know exactly where you are, a smartphone or car navigation device can help.
When did it happen?
State the time or period of the incident as precisely as possible.
How did it happen?
Briefly describe the sequence of events.
Why did it happen?
Did something decisive happen beforehand? Are there any causes for what happened?
Who is involved?
Give details of the perpetrator, victim and witnesses. If unknown, describe the people involved.
Don't just hang up, but wait for further questions!
People with speech or hearing impairments have the option of sending an emergency fax or an emergency text message to the number
02421 949-6496
to be sent